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My new secret weapon.

March 11, 2011

One of my favorite things about a adapting to a vegetarian lifestyle is the need for exploring and creativity.  Sure, I could eat beans everyday in order to fulfill my protein requirements, but what’s the fun in that?

Becoming a vegetarian has opened my eyes to so many new foods and has changed (even moreeee) the way I look at food; it has made me begin to think about (even more…is that possible?) what I put in my body and where it came from.  I want every bite that I swallow to do something for me; to work for me rather than against me; to provide some sort of nutrition inside my body.

An uninformed vegetarian is something I never want to be; it is dangerous and can lead to serious deficiency.  A few years ago, when I had to give up most dairy because my lactose intolerance, I was (now I see) uninformed.  This lead to weak bones which lead to my ankle stress fracture which in turn forced me to miss my Thanksgiving Day half marathon.  I didn’t really think the lack of calcium could effect me so much.

How does vegetarianism relate to a calcium deficiency?  Animal meat contains most of the B vitamins found in our diets (and also the saturated fat).  Without animal meat, I’m definitely getting much less vitamin B, just as without dairy, I was consuming much less calcium.  This time around, I realize it however.  Vitamin B is found in so many foods including leafy green veggies, beans, nuts, etc., so I am certain that my decision to become a vegetarian was for the better, not the worse.

Just as I use flax seeds or chia seed everyday in my oatmeal to enhance my Omega 3 intake, I found something else to enhance my B vitamin intake as well! And let me introduce you to, Nutritional Yeast.

This was introduced to me via Oh She Glows, an awesome site might I add!

I bought it in “flake” form and it really resembles the texture of something like parmesan cheese.  I sprinkle it on my eggs in the morning, on my salads at lunch, on pasta at dinner and anywhere else you can think of!

Why is it a secret weapon?  Let me answer that question with a few (high resolution :-)) pictures.

80 calories, with 9 grams of protein, 5 grams of fiber and 0 fat. Okay…

Woa! Check out the B vitamin (the top 7) percentages!

Andddd all 9 essential amino acids (your body can’t make these alone).

Need I say more??

Spring Break is finally here! With 5 tests this week, I think it’s safe to say, I’m ready for a much needed break!  Have a nutritional Friday night!

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