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Carb Overload?

March 4, 2011

Reader Question:

So I love eating quinoa..I have been addicted to the recipe you gave me, along with the different varieties I have tried, and it’s been such an easy way to prepare lunch for my whole week. But is it bad if I am eating my oats in the morning and quinoa with beans for lunch,  since both contain carbs?? I am just concerned I am eating too many carbs. At night I eat veggies and either grilled chicken or fish. If you could give me your input on whether I am eating too many carbs that would be great!


As a new vegetarian, I understand exactly what you are saying, however as long as you are not going over your recommended calorie intake you should see no problems.

Carbohydrates and protein both have 4 calories per gram, therefore the two are pretty equal when it comes to caloric intake.  I would however recommend that you add some protein to your breakfast, such as eggs, greek/regular yogurt, ect. since that will slow down the digestion of your oatmeal, allowing you to feel full until lunch.  

Inside of your body, as long as you are eating a bean with a grain (complementary proteins), your body metabolizes this as protein, so really your getting a ‘two for one’ type deal, energy from the carbohydrate as well as a source of protein.  

Carbohydrates should make up anywhere from 45-65% of your daily intake. So just as an example, if someone is taking in 2000 calories per day, about 1000 of those calories should be carbohydrates. Again, since carbs have 4 calories per gram that would be approx. 250g of carbs per day (that’s just an example).  If your protein comes from a complimentary source (e.g. beans and rice), your CHO intake will be higher, but remember you are getting protein there too.  

I don’t add up grams or anything like that per day; I just try to balance out my meals. That might get a little obsessive, and honestly, in the way of life 🙂 If I know we’re having a “carby” dinner, like spaghetti, I will lower my carb intake at lunch, for example have an open faced sandwich instead of having 2 pieces of bread or a salad topped with kidney beans or egg whites.  

I love your nightly dinners (fish and veggies); that’s the perfect way to end the day!  Since food is really supposed to give us energy to sustain our day, a dinner high in carbs isn’t necessary.  We don’t need a TON of energy (calories) to sleep, that’s why it’s more important to have a large, filling breakfast.

And also, to anyone reading this, please remember, I’m not an RD, only on the road to become one!

Send your questions to ashleym12940 at yahoo dot com.

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