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Gluten, Schmootin

June 1, 2012

Good morning! Happy Friday and Happy June! This was such a quick week, wasn’t it?  All day Wednesday I thought it was Tuesday. I planned on taking a 6:30 yoga class on Wednesday evening but when I found out that it was already Wednesday and not Tuesday, I unfortunately missed it.  Maybe next time though.  Yesterday, Dustin and I spent the day exploring the city of St. Augustine and were very happy with what we found.  We enjoyed the day thouroughly, hopping from shops, to martini and wine bars, and even the beautiful marina.

I’ll take one of these…

Or two of these…


Anyways, today I want to talk about a word in nutrition that brings much confusion into many of our lives.

As I’m sure you all have noticed, the word “gluten” is buzzing and everywhere lately.  Whether it be in regards to the, also buzzing, Paleo Diet for Crossfitters (<— my thoughts) or referring to Celiac Disease sufferers, the words “gluten-free” are everywhere.  Grocery stores, restaurants, and now even beauty products. Most people don’t even know what gluten is, much less what foods do or don’t contain it.  Some even think that just because a product is “gluten-free” it is healthy. Guess what? Most french fries (unless added in a sneaky ingredient) are gluten free, so are Starbursts.  Now you see, just because a product is gluten-free, doesn’t mean it is healthy. Don’t fall for that scam.

So what in the world is gluten anyway?

Gluten is the protein found in wheat, barley, and rye (and also cross-contaminated oats). Some foods that contain gluten include, wheat bread, rye bread, pastas, beer, most crackers and processed foods, some lunch meats, etc.  There are, however, many foods and grains that don’t contain gluten, such as quinoa, buckwheat, rice, millet, popcorn, corn chips, fruits, veggies, etc.

So now that we’re all on the same page about gluten, let’s talk a little more about it.

As you may have read on this blog before, my mom has Rheumatoid Arthritis, an inflammatory disease of the joints and surrounding tissues.  Instead of depending of medication alone, my mom chooses to be proactive in fighting this disease by using nutrition to help calm the pain as well.  She eats a gluten-free, mostly vegan diet: both pro-inflammatories in the body, worsening her condition, rather than helping it.

Like I said in a previous post, at her last biannual doctors appointment she found out that the progression has stopped. She was given the 12-biomarker test of RA Disease Activity and scored a 96 out of 100 points: showing that there has been very little activity among the disease. Although the disease is still prevalent, it isn’t worsening.

Avoiding this pro-inflammatory food for my mom has obviously helped calm the inflammation throughout her body. So for her, yes, a gluten-free diet is best.  As more and more research is conducted, some studies are linking gluten consumption/Celiac disease and arthritis. Quite interesting.

My sister too has issues with gluten and therefore eats a gluten-free diet as well.  Obviously there is an issue with this protein that runs in my family, and although I don’t have any stomach issues with gluten, because of this predisposition, I too, choose to eat a gluten-free diet (99% of the time).  I don’t want these side effects to become a problem for me one day too.

I first gave up gluten a few months ago to try to relieve some skin issues that I was/am having.  I was desperate for answers.  If gluten is a pro-inflammatory and acne causes inflammation of the skin, in my mind it made complete sense that the two could be linked.  I had tried everything and was still having breakouts on my face (Remember last year when I eliminated peanut butter from my diet in hopes to clear up my skin?). Unfortunately, it wasn’t the peanut butter and it isn’t the gluten either.  Still no answers.

Last week at the beach, my self-discipline fell to the curb as I enjoyed gluten containing snacks in the afternoons and a few Michelob Ultras on the beach (also containing gluten) throughout the day.  It was hard to keep my will power and give up something that doesn’t directly affect me now, but easily could in the future: back on track I go because I know my long term health is more important.

After eating gluten for an entire week, I can confidently say, I felt far more bloated (I really hate that word, but is swollen any better?) and weighed down.  It was strange.  I really didn’t think I would notice a difference but I certainly did.  To me, health is about feeling good.  If it doesn’t make me feel good, why should I eat it?

As time goes on, I really think that the food industry is going to have to adapt to this allergy/intolerance and remove gluten from many products; well, I at least hope so.

So there. That is my answer to, “Do you gluten or don’t you gluten?” 😉 I don’t (well, I at least try not to) gluten. Not because it’s bad for everyone, it’s just not right for me.

Have an awesome weekend!

Good health!

6 Comments leave one →
  1. June 1, 2012 6:10 pm

    Thank you, thank you for posting this! I was told this week that I’m gluten sensitive and that I needed to cut out gluten from my diet to allow my body to heal and I might be able to introduce gluten back into my diet little by little.

    The only reason I ever went and got the test was because every time I ate gluten rich foods I felt sick a couple of hours later. The bloating feeling (I also hate that word) would last for days. Now I’m on my way to a gluten-free diet and I’m a little scared and a little excited. But its what my body needs so I’m more than willing to do it.

    • Ashley Harper Evans permalink*
      June 2, 2012 3:49 pm

      I’m happy to hear that you were able to figure it out! You can do it! With a little extra effort you will be feeling so much better!!

  2. Courtney permalink
    June 2, 2012 3:21 am


    I discovered your blog from reading Katie Bagby’s blog. I am a devoted follower now!

    I too am about 99% gluten free by choice. Since starting my mostly gluten free lifestyle I, like you, have come to find that I feel gross, lethargic, and puffy (I was trying to leave bloated out) when I lose my will power and give in to a gluten-y treat. So, I am doing my best to cut it completely from my husband’s and my diet.

    As for cutting gluten for skincare, that too was on my list for reasons to give it up. While cutting gluten has helped somewhat, the thing I swear by now for clear skin (other than organic skincare products, I recommend KORA Organics) is coconut oil. I ingest about a tablespoon of coconut oil a day and it has worked wonders. Spirulina (powder) too. Those two in a smoothie seem to do the trick (for me at least) of clearing skin from the inside out.

    Hope this helps!

    • Ashley Harper Evans permalink*
      June 2, 2012 3:51 pm

      Hi Courtney! I’m so happy to hear that! Thank you for sharing! That’s too funny…I JUST ordered some coconut oil yesterday to start cooking with… maybe it will help with my face as well! At this point, I’ll try anything haha!


  1. Crazy for Coconuts! « Hungry for More
  2. Gluten Free Girls « Hungry for More

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