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Happy 2012!

January 2, 2012

Hi there! Happy Monday!

I hope you all had an incredible NYE and are ready to take on yet another wonderful year! May 2012 be the best year yet!

We spent our New Years Eve in Nashville and had wonderful, yet educational time 😉 I guess the best way to learn is through mistakes, and we made a few of those all right, however, luckily they were small enough to still allow us to have a great time!

The girls before fighting the crowds… (I left my camera cord to upload my camera photos in Statesboro so this is the only photo I am able to include since it was taken on a phone.)

We learned that we will never allow NYE to approach us without a set, organized plan: reservations, taxis alligned, arrangements, etc.  We went into this weekend with a house booked and that’s about it. 

Because of the large masses of people who shared the same Nashville NYE idea as us, we missed our 9 pm dinner reservation at Stock Yard due to the difficult time we had finding a cab to get there.  Once we did find an available cab, he dropped us off about 5 miles away from our destination.  We tried walking there (walking completely through a Lynyrd Skynyrd concet was included), but then were told by a few police officers once we made it to the other side, “Stock Yard? Oh no, that’s not walking distance. And oh yeah, it’s in a bad part of town too, have someone pick you up. You don’t want to walk through that area.”  Well, since the roads were all blocked off and it was already about 9:45 at this point, that wasn’t an option.  We ended up eating at Morton’s, which was absolutely delicious, and found ourselves ringing in the new year sitting at our lovely dinner table with hats and noisemakers provided by the restaurant.  Not the original plan, but still much fun.  When you’re in good company anything can be fun, right?

We finally made it out around 12:30 or 1 a.m., which made for a late but great night afterall.

We made it back to my parents house yesterday evening and had a delicious meal waiting for us of black eyed peas, collard greens, quinoa with mushrooms, onions, red peppers (I think), zucchini bake, homemade bread, spinach and arugula salad and twiced baked potatoes and pork for the non-veg/vegans. It’s so nice to come home to an amazing dinner prepared…I’m really going to miss all of this tasty food come January 12 when we head back to the ‘Boro (or “the Donkey” as Dustin now calls it.  Apparently the Spanish word “el burro” means donkey in English. He has a creative mind, to say the least! HAHA).

Now that new New Year has arrived it’s time to get back on track, setting new goals and striving to be/do better in 2012. 

Lately, I’ve been asking everyone what their new years resolutions are (like everyone must set at least one ;-)).  Some people gave me a list, while others, like Dustin, gave me only one, “To get a job.”  Okay. I’ll definitely agree, that’s necessary.  As for me, I have a few things I want to work on in 2012, and here goes…

  1. Find the good in EVERYBODY.  People mean well, they really do.  I want to try to remember that, even in difficult situations, when my mind is blown by someone’s actions. 
  2. Make it to church at least 3 out of 4 Sunday mornings per month.  When we make it to church on Sunday, Dustin and I both agree that our entire week is better.  Beginning our week with God is the best way to start.
  3. Worry less.  Laugh more.  Research supports that stress can take years away from our lives.  Dustin said it best, “we should foucs on living, not dying.” I want to spend my time focusing on the things that will add to my life, not take away from it. 
  4. Complain less.  Enough said.
  5. Complete two exercise goals.  I’m not sure what these are going to be yet (one is most likely going to include completing the ZOOMA Atlanta Half Marathon on April 22, still up in the air), but by setting exercise goals, I can ensure that I stay on top of my exercise, since it is so important to me.  And the other will be either yoga or strength training related.

And there ya go, that’s my “do better list” for 2012.  I hope you all have a wonderful first weekday of the year! We are about to hit the gym, maybe watch a little of the UGA game, and then possibly yoga this evening!?

Good health!


2 Comments leave one →
  1. Melmo permalink
    January 2, 2012 4:01 pm

    Soooo sad we missed Nashville, it sounds like y’all had a wonderful time and interesting experiences! 🙂 everyone looks beautiful in your picture. We rang in the new year in our pjs after watching Auburn win and sipped champagne and then went right to sleep! Ha guess we are that old married couple this year 😉 my goals for this year are to really strive to get this awesome medicine weight off from last years craziness and NO MORE MIGRAINES….really hope that one works out! After reading yours I’ve definitely added some more…not to sweat the small stuff, get to church by myself even when Ryan has to work, complain less sounds great, be a better friend, after everything this past year I have slacked off keeping in touch and being the type of friend I want to have, and finally graduate with you 🙂 Happy New Year sweet girl! Can’t wait for y’all to get back to ‘the donkey’ haha


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