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Reader Question: B12

June 16, 2011

I have a question for you on something. Your blog “so sad but true” really resonated with me. I have been contemplating whether or not to go vegetarian or even vegan, but I have had a hard time finding veggies that give me enough vitamin b12 (I have been b12 deficient since I had to have my thyroid removed). Meat has really been the best way for me to get the vitamins because the supplements don’t seem to absorb as well. So my question to you: are you a vegetarian? If so, do you have any suggestions for me? If not, what is a good way to find out about companies that don’t treat the animals so horribly?  Thanks!!

[Photo Source] 

Hi there!  Thanks for your question!  Where to start…

First off, yes, I am a vegetarian, well pescitarian for now, I do eat fish occasionally; while I don’t necessarily agree with it, it’s just something that I am not yet ready to give up.  I gave up meat and poultry for health reasons and I know that when I’m ready, I will give up fish for humanitarian reasons.  My road toward veganism is coming, I just don’t want to rush it, because I know that it is a huge life decision, and it will not only effect me but everyone in my house hold as well.

I used to always say that “I couldn’t imagine being a vegan, after all, what in the world do they eat!?”  So that is why I am going to take my time: I want to be prepared and well knowledged so that I am aware and informed, and so that when others throw that question at me, I can have back up 🙂

You’re right, it is impossible to get B12 through veggies because it is found primarily in foods derived from animals.  So if you are pondering the thought of just going vegetarian (as opposed to vegan) you can still get your B12 through milk, cheese, and eggs.

[Photo Source]

I don’t eat many of these items (a few eggs every now and then, almond milk instead of cows milk, and no cheese (because of digestion issues)), so I use another great source of B vitamins: Nutritional Yeast.  I sprinkle it on everything.

I’m not going to say that you should or shouldn’t go vegetarian just because your case is so specific (always consult your doctor) but I will tell you that it is definitely possible to still get B12 with out the poultry, meat or fish, it just takes a little more thought.

And your last question is awesome: what is a good way to find out about companies that don’t treat the animals so horribly?  If you are choosing to eat it, it’s awesome that you at least care enough to find farmers that still do things right. is a great site to find sustainably grown food near you.  Yes, it’s going to require more thought and more money, but in the long run it is always worth it.  This will also help you cut down on your meat consumption, and help lead you toward a vegetarian life if that’s what you choose.

I will tell you that even giving up only meat and poultry has opened my eyes so much.  To me, it’s a kinder and gentler way of life, if you understand what I mean.  I will give up fish as soon as I am ready, but I am not going to force myself to do something too soon.  My fish consumption has already decreased greatly just since becoming aware.  If you are looking for more information and a great read on this subject, check out Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer, I’m about half way through it and have already learned SO much!

I hope that this helps you! Thanks again for your question!




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