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How can you ever start running?

April 28, 2011

The hardest part is taking the first step.  Nike says, “Just do it.” But is it really as simple as that?  It is…  Exercising or even simply moving is what keeps us young and healthy.  A body at rest tends to stay at rest and when we are sleeping, that’s okay, but as long as we’re awake and as long as were alive, the easiest thing we can do to keep off unwanted pounds and to keep living is just keep moving.  

Whenever I was training for a half-marathon last year, so many people asked me, “How in the world does your body ever get used to running 13 miles? I run two and am exhausted!  And my answer, you train it.  You gain motivation, put your mind to it and decided that it’s what you are going to do.  Always remember, anything is possible.

 How can one ever run 26.2 miles?  That’s the question I’m asking myself right now but the answer is easy: they tell themselves they are going to do it and they do it… and so can I.  That’s why I’m going to brave my first marathon on November 5. 

For many people the hardest part is taking the first step. A marathon runner wasn’t just born running marathons; he or she had to start somewhere, somewhere small, somewhere like a 5K. Because of this, I’ve decided that I am going to put together a 5K group, for beginners (or any level really).  Maybe it’s your first, second, third or hundredth race, but I just want to gather a group and make an event out of it.

Now I know that anyone that wants to can walk out their front door and run roughly 3 miles, but sometimes the accompaniment of a group can encourage us to keep going, to keep taking one more step. 

 On June 4th, Survive The Five…K, will be hosted in Savannah, Georgia and this will be the race that my group takes on.  So right now, I’m looking for the group: I’m looking for you.  All you have to do is commit, really commit, and let me know that you’re ready to take it on!  The bigger the group, the more encouragement we will have, so please, take the first step (so far we are a team of 2)!  If you are from out of town (Atlanta area or wherever!) you can come stay with me, if you are currently in the deep south, how perfect!  Join me, will ya!?

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